Mr Deep thought
The following OTB game was played. 40 moves in 1h45 min; 15 min KO.
White against "Mr Deep thought"
Game two
Montse(1565) - Van D,F (1613)
27.10.2006 (1-0)
In the good all tradition -It has happened again. Another victim. Another kill.
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d4?!

After 4 moves my opponent went in a state of paralysis for about 30 min!!. I was moved by his deep thoughts. I bought myself a beer. Having visited the toilet meanwhile many times ( as a new devotee to Kramnik's newly and highly unappreciated but recently discovered scientific method which gives your opponent a definite and indisputable a toilet move), I eventually became baffled by his sequences of moves.
I consider 4d4 rather as a dubious move as after the recapture of the knight black could easily moved his knight to e5 and attack my bishop with no clear compensation. Seemingly some black players trade the knight off which is bad because white can activate his queen effortless. In the conjunction with his light squared bishop, if black allows it, it might already form a serious threat to the black position. Well anyway who is afraid of the big black wolf??
4...exd4 5.Nxd4 Nxd4? 6.Qxd4 b6!?

He recaptures the knight and here we go. I think that b6 is not to the best move as the field e5 becomes unprotected. Either 6 Bd6 or 6 d6 are possible. I prefer the latter but this means that black will create a passive position as the diagonal for his dark squared bishop is now blocked by his own pawn.
To prevent this he may have opted to develop his light squared bishop along the long diagonal and castling long. If this would lead, on the part of white, upto a recover of the pawn on the K-side, black could easily pressurize the castled position. White helps black by creating semi open files for his rooks, from where they can easily attack unhindered white's position.
7.e5! Bc5 8.Qf4! Qe7 9.0-0 Ng8
Now the mighty horse is back in his stable. This is reverse development.

10.Nc3 Bb7 11.Nd5 Bxd5 12.Bxd5 0-0-0

The question was, is 10 Qg3 playable instead of the Nc3 with an attack on g7. This was the other option but I preferred the former as the knight might become handy when his king castles long. Also by trying to snoop the g7 pawn he might have later a clear shot on g2 through the semi-open file.
Furthermore after playing Nc3 the protection of d5 square by black becomes forced. There is a little trick which has to do with a lack of space for his dark squared bishop. Actually chess is also about field covering and reducing the space for your opponent's pieces. Threat was 11.b4! Bxb4 12. Nd5 and his bishop is death due to a fork with the Queen. So on for instance 10...Nh6? (no consideration for d5) 11.b4 b5 12.Nd5 Qd8 13.Bb3 Be7 14.Qf3 and black has real problems. There was also the option of 11. Nb5 aiming at the c7 or a7 pawn but 11. Nd5 has the extra benefit of the possibility of trading down his light squared bishop for my knight. By trading pieces and due to a fianchetto set-up on the q-side his light squares at Q-side are really vulnerable. He has now no counterpart for white's light squared bishop. By castling long, he just improves the value and the strenght of my light squared bishop. Therefore giving me the plan of playing along the light squares. But usually things change during the game as the game progresses.
13.a4 c6 14.Bf3 f6 15.Re1 fxe5 16.Rxe5 Bd6
My first thought was to swing my queen through c4 (aiming at f7 (battery) but real focus was a6), a6 & b7. 3 moves for a brandy but this looked too simple and there was c6.

I particulary didn't like c6, although it would lead to a weakening of his king position. So Qf3 was not an option as I wanted my bishop aiming at his Q-side. I figured out that he would probably try to chase off the light squared bishop as soon as possible and the only move would be c6. Other consideration was that my center pawn is a real pain for black. Therefore I need to protect it as long as possible as it will cramp his position (Knight block). Winning f7 and loosing the center pawn was not my cup of tea. If the f-file opens up he can pressurize f2 etc. Furthermore I need to develop. Most preferably I would like to put my dark square bishop on f4 but my queen was already occupying this square. So I played a4 probably not the best move (preventing b5), but with the idea of c3 and b4 attacking his dark squared bishop again. And while the pawns are rolling, it would become a threat to his king position.
So black prevented this by attacking the light-squared bishop and change-off the f-pawn for the center pawn.

16... Qd6 might have been better but white keeps the advantage
(16...Qd6 17.Be3 Qf6 18.Rd1 Qxf4 19.Bxf4 Rf8 20.Bg5)
17.Rxe7 Bxf4 18.Rxg7 Bxc1 19.Rxc1 Nf6 20.Rf7! Rhf8 21.Rxf8 Rxf8 22.Re1 Kd8

By playing Bd6 I saw I could win a very useful pawn. By pressurizing the knight I could further reduce his counterplay by exchanging rooks. There is something to say against this all as I exchanged an active rook for his passive rook.
I think it is vital for white now to keep his rook and taking the open file. I think black could have challenged white's rook for the possession of the e-file. White would have been forced to move or to trade down. The trading down would have given him a difficult endgame. For white it would be a difficult win as black can move the pawns to the squares opposite in colour to white's bishop. His greatest comfort lies in the knowledge that he has a dormant pawn majority at the kingside. Black's pawn majority lies on the q-side. Also White's king is in a certain way obstructed by the bishop on f3 or the rook. By going to the Q-side he has to go through e2 which invites black to give white a check and trade down the rooks. So the white king is hemmed in by his own pieces as his prime responsibilty lies in blocking the advance of black's pawn majority. Rearranging the white pieces would consume too much time.
23.Kf1 d5 24.c4? (diagram) dxc4? 25.Bxc6 Kc7 26.Bb5 Ng4 27.f3 Kd6 28.Bxc4 Kc5 29.b3

So what to do? White has to hold the play on the Q-side and then push the K-side pawns. I played c4 challenging his pawn majority but i think the Kd7-reply would have been better for black as the capture leads to a loss of an extra pawn stiffling his Q-side play.

Ng4 is no threat as h2 is indirectly protected. On Nxh2 Kg1 wins the knight for three pawns.
On 29.b3 white has crippled the Q-side play of black and there is no real progress possible.
29...Rf4? 30.Re7 a5 31.Ke2! Nf6 32.Rf7 Kd4
I really do not like Rf4 as the pawns on his second rank become unprotected. I was wondering if he was going to exchange his rook for my bishop + pawn. Re7 was obvious but has something more. On a5 I played Ke2 and not Rxh7. I was not after his pawn but after the knight. Black has two possible moves Nh6 and Nf6. Nh6 would lead to the loss of the h-pawn. And on Nf6 he goes in to a pin where his defender the rook is cramped to the Knight although not that obvious.
Trying to break the pin by protecting the rook with his knight lead to the loss of the h-pawn.

1 ... Nh5 2. Rxh7 Nf6 3. Rf7
1 ... Nh5 2. Rxh7 Rf5 3. g4 Nf4 4. Ke3 Rf8 5. h4
1 ... Nh5 2. Rxh7 Rh4 3. Kf2 white has threat to move Bf7 and win the knight. On Rxh2 4. Kf1 Rh4 5. g4 wins
Ne5 is not playable. So he played Kd4.
The idea is now to cramp black's space for his rook and to win the knight.
33.g3 Rf5 34.f4 and the knight's fate is certified. It was time to refuel the glasses.
The rest of the game was a kind of 'sweeping the floor event' where he eventually tried in his last effort to provoke a stalemate.
Whole game notation
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d4 exd4 5.Nxd4 Nxd4 6.Qxd4 b6 7.e5 Bc5 8.Qf4 Qe7 9.0-0 Ng8 10.Nc3 Bb7 11.Nd5 Bxd5 12.Bxd5 0-0-0 13.a4 c6 14.Bf3 f6 15.Re1 fxe5 16.Rxe5 Bd6 17.Rxe7 Bxf4 18.Rxg7 Bxc1 19.Rxc1 Nf6 20.Rf7 Rhf8 21.Rxf8 Rxf8 22.Re1 Kd8 23.Kf1 d5 24.c4 dxc4 25.Bxc6 Kc7 26.Bb5 Ng4 27.f3 Kd6 28.Bxc4 Kc5 29.b3 Rf4 30.Re7 a5 31.Ke2 Nf6 32.Rf7 Kd4 33.g3 Rf5 34.f4 Rh5 35.Rxf6 Rxh2+ 36.Kf3 Kc5 37.Rf5+ Kd4 38.Rd5+ Kc3 39.Rd6 h5 40.Rxb6 h4 41.gxh4 Rxh4 42.Rb5 Kd4 43.Rd5+ Kc3 44.Rxa5 Kd4 45.Rd5+ Kc3 46.a5 Rh8 47.a6 Re8 48.a7 Kb4 49.Rb5+ Kc3 50.Bd5 Kd4 51.a8Q Re3+ 52.Kg4 Rd3 53.Qa7+ Kc3 54.Qa5+ Kb2 55.Qe1 Rxd5 56.Rxd5 Ka3 57.Qc3 Ka2 58.Ra5+ Kb1 59.Ra1# 0-1
White against "Mr Deep thought"
Game two
Montse(1565) - Van D,F (1613)
27.10.2006 (1-0)
In the good all tradition -It has happened again. Another victim. Another kill.
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d4?!

After 4 moves my opponent went in a state of paralysis for about 30 min!!. I was moved by his deep thoughts. I bought myself a beer. Having visited the toilet meanwhile many times ( as a new devotee to Kramnik's newly and highly unappreciated but recently discovered scientific method which gives your opponent a definite and indisputable a toilet move), I eventually became baffled by his sequences of moves.
I consider 4d4 rather as a dubious move as after the recapture of the knight black could easily moved his knight to e5 and attack my bishop with no clear compensation. Seemingly some black players trade the knight off which is bad because white can activate his queen effortless. In the conjunction with his light squared bishop, if black allows it, it might already form a serious threat to the black position. Well anyway who is afraid of the big black wolf??
4...exd4 5.Nxd4 Nxd4? 6.Qxd4 b6!?

He recaptures the knight and here we go. I think that b6 is not to the best move as the field e5 becomes unprotected. Either 6 Bd6 or 6 d6 are possible. I prefer the latter but this means that black will create a passive position as the diagonal for his dark squared bishop is now blocked by his own pawn.
To prevent this he may have opted to develop his light squared bishop along the long diagonal and castling long. If this would lead, on the part of white, upto a recover of the pawn on the K-side, black could easily pressurize the castled position. White helps black by creating semi open files for his rooks, from where they can easily attack unhindered white's position.
7.e5! Bc5 8.Qf4! Qe7 9.0-0 Ng8
Now the mighty horse is back in his stable. This is reverse development.

10.Nc3 Bb7 11.Nd5 Bxd5 12.Bxd5 0-0-0

The question was, is 10 Qg3 playable instead of the Nc3 with an attack on g7. This was the other option but I preferred the former as the knight might become handy when his king castles long. Also by trying to snoop the g7 pawn he might have later a clear shot on g2 through the semi-open file.
Furthermore after playing Nc3 the protection of d5 square by black becomes forced. There is a little trick which has to do with a lack of space for his dark squared bishop. Actually chess is also about field covering and reducing the space for your opponent's pieces. Threat was 11.b4! Bxb4 12. Nd5 and his bishop is death due to a fork with the Queen. So on for instance 10...Nh6? (no consideration for d5) 11.b4 b5 12.Nd5 Qd8 13.Bb3 Be7 14.Qf3 and black has real problems. There was also the option of 11. Nb5 aiming at the c7 or a7 pawn but 11. Nd5 has the extra benefit of the possibility of trading down his light squared bishop for my knight. By trading pieces and due to a fianchetto set-up on the q-side his light squares at Q-side are really vulnerable. He has now no counterpart for white's light squared bishop. By castling long, he just improves the value and the strenght of my light squared bishop. Therefore giving me the plan of playing along the light squares. But usually things change during the game as the game progresses.
13.a4 c6 14.Bf3 f6 15.Re1 fxe5 16.Rxe5 Bd6
My first thought was to swing my queen through c4 (aiming at f7 (battery) but real focus was a6), a6 & b7. 3 moves for a brandy but this looked too simple and there was c6.

I particulary didn't like c6, although it would lead to a weakening of his king position. So Qf3 was not an option as I wanted my bishop aiming at his Q-side. I figured out that he would probably try to chase off the light squared bishop as soon as possible and the only move would be c6. Other consideration was that my center pawn is a real pain for black. Therefore I need to protect it as long as possible as it will cramp his position (Knight block). Winning f7 and loosing the center pawn was not my cup of tea. If the f-file opens up he can pressurize f2 etc. Furthermore I need to develop. Most preferably I would like to put my dark square bishop on f4 but my queen was already occupying this square. So I played a4 probably not the best move (preventing b5), but with the idea of c3 and b4 attacking his dark squared bishop again. And while the pawns are rolling, it would become a threat to his king position.
So black prevented this by attacking the light-squared bishop and change-off the f-pawn for the center pawn.

16... Qd6 might have been better but white keeps the advantage
(16...Qd6 17.Be3 Qf6 18.Rd1 Qxf4 19.Bxf4 Rf8 20.Bg5)
17.Rxe7 Bxf4 18.Rxg7 Bxc1 19.Rxc1 Nf6 20.Rf7! Rhf8 21.Rxf8 Rxf8 22.Re1 Kd8

By playing Bd6 I saw I could win a very useful pawn. By pressurizing the knight I could further reduce his counterplay by exchanging rooks. There is something to say against this all as I exchanged an active rook for his passive rook.
I think it is vital for white now to keep his rook and taking the open file. I think black could have challenged white's rook for the possession of the e-file. White would have been forced to move or to trade down. The trading down would have given him a difficult endgame. For white it would be a difficult win as black can move the pawns to the squares opposite in colour to white's bishop. His greatest comfort lies in the knowledge that he has a dormant pawn majority at the kingside. Black's pawn majority lies on the q-side. Also White's king is in a certain way obstructed by the bishop on f3 or the rook. By going to the Q-side he has to go through e2 which invites black to give white a check and trade down the rooks. So the white king is hemmed in by his own pieces as his prime responsibilty lies in blocking the advance of black's pawn majority. Rearranging the white pieces would consume too much time.
23.Kf1 d5 24.c4? (diagram) dxc4? 25.Bxc6 Kc7 26.Bb5 Ng4 27.f3 Kd6 28.Bxc4 Kc5 29.b3

So what to do? White has to hold the play on the Q-side and then push the K-side pawns. I played c4 challenging his pawn majority but i think the Kd7-reply would have been better for black as the capture leads to a loss of an extra pawn stiffling his Q-side play.

Ng4 is no threat as h2 is indirectly protected. On Nxh2 Kg1 wins the knight for three pawns.
On 29.b3 white has crippled the Q-side play of black and there is no real progress possible.
29...Rf4? 30.Re7 a5 31.Ke2! Nf6 32.Rf7 Kd4
I really do not like Rf4 as the pawns on his second rank become unprotected. I was wondering if he was going to exchange his rook for my bishop + pawn. Re7 was obvious but has something more. On a5 I played Ke2 and not Rxh7. I was not after his pawn but after the knight. Black has two possible moves Nh6 and Nf6. Nh6 would lead to the loss of the h-pawn. And on Nf6 he goes in to a pin where his defender the rook is cramped to the Knight although not that obvious.
Trying to break the pin by protecting the rook with his knight lead to the loss of the h-pawn.

1 ... Nh5 2. Rxh7 Nf6 3. Rf7
1 ... Nh5 2. Rxh7 Rf5 3. g4 Nf4 4. Ke3 Rf8 5. h4
1 ... Nh5 2. Rxh7 Rh4 3. Kf2 white has threat to move Bf7 and win the knight. On Rxh2 4. Kf1 Rh4 5. g4 wins
Ne5 is not playable. So he played Kd4.
The idea is now to cramp black's space for his rook and to win the knight.
33.g3 Rf5 34.f4 and the knight's fate is certified. It was time to refuel the glasses.
The rest of the game was a kind of 'sweeping the floor event' where he eventually tried in his last effort to provoke a stalemate.
Whole game notation
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d4 exd4 5.Nxd4 Nxd4 6.Qxd4 b6 7.e5 Bc5 8.Qf4 Qe7 9.0-0 Ng8 10.Nc3 Bb7 11.Nd5 Bxd5 12.Bxd5 0-0-0 13.a4 c6 14.Bf3 f6 15.Re1 fxe5 16.Rxe5 Bd6 17.Rxe7 Bxf4 18.Rxg7 Bxc1 19.Rxc1 Nf6 20.Rf7 Rhf8 21.Rxf8 Rxf8 22.Re1 Kd8 23.Kf1 d5 24.c4 dxc4 25.Bxc6 Kc7 26.Bb5 Ng4 27.f3 Kd6 28.Bxc4 Kc5 29.b3 Rf4 30.Re7 a5 31.Ke2 Nf6 32.Rf7 Kd4 33.g3 Rf5 34.f4 Rh5 35.Rxf6 Rxh2+ 36.Kf3 Kc5 37.Rf5+ Kd4 38.Rd5+ Kc3 39.Rd6 h5 40.Rxb6 h4 41.gxh4 Rxh4 42.Rb5 Kd4 43.Rd5+ Kc3 44.Rxa5 Kd4 45.Rd5+ Kc3 46.a5 Rh8 47.a6 Re8 48.a7 Kb4 49.Rb5+ Kc3 50.Bd5 Kd4 51.a8Q Re3+ 52.Kg4 Rd3 53.Qa7+ Kc3 54.Qa5+ Kb2 55.Qe1 Rxd5 56.Rxd5 Ka3 57.Qc3 Ka2 58.Ra5+ Kb1 59.Ra1# 0-1
pretty complicated.. you really thought all that stuff during the game or was it during analysis? I myself don't think that deeply during a game. wish i could, but i don't. Anyway congratulations.
hmmm, i noticed you had massive advantage but your opponent didnt want to resign (Q+R+B+2p vs R).
Anyway i think the critical move (among many) was 16. ... Bd6 as this lost a pawn and enabled you to get into a pawn-up end game. With a bishop for a knight to boot. He got dominated predictively. If he had kept the pieces and the rooks, along side the queen-side pawn majority, there might had been a chance for a draw.
I totally agree. With 16. ... Bd6 he lost a very vital pawn. Before I trade down the queens I always look if I can get a better position or win something small.If not and he is not pressurizing, I keep the queens on the board. I am positive that he could have kept the draw on the board as you stated.
About my game plans. They are usually very simple. I always look to one of or two good moves of my opponent. I have ideas what I want to achieve and do not calculate every move. I would loose to much time if I would. What you read were thoughts which I had during the game.
I only calculate besides the usually 2,5 moves when I feel the position becomes critical. There is a priority in threats and captures. Let's go back to the situation 3 moves for a brandy. If white plays Qc4 and black takes the pawn Qxe5??, white plays Bf4. Mate becomes inevitable or he looses his Q. e5 is a decoy, and Bf4 seals his doom. So my Q threat with Bf4 must be answered by an equivalent (q-threat) or greater threat which he has not (mate).
I sometimes play moves which are very obvious without calculating anything, For instance Re7. Two pawns unprotected. But I learn a lot of my emotions or silent comments that I make to myself during the game. For instance when I feel that the pieces are not connected, then afterwards I remember that.
I noticed during the game ( my instinct told me) that Black would equalize after his 12th move. There was nothing more to get. My Queen was obstructing the development of my dark square bishop. Therefore I could not connect the rooks and centralize them which I desperately needed to do to increase the pressure on his position.
looking back maybe this would had been a win after 10.Nc3 Bb7 11.Qg3g6? 12.Bg5 f6 13. exf6 Nxf6 14. Re1 but then again he can play the immediate 11.f6 and recapture with the knight.
The analysis with 10. Nh6? coz this is move that I would not have played and the accurate verification on the 3rd move of Nh5. The rest were ideas that went through my mind when I played the game.
And 16Qd was a fritz analysis. I personally would have played 16.... Qd6 17. Qe4 Nf6? 18.Qe2 19.Bf4 20.Re1
So 17. Qe4 Bd4 maybe 18.Re8 Nf6 19RxRd8 etc
To calculate I don't do it like this I play this move he will play this move and then he has that move and i have this one etc. No I try to look up to all pieces which are important and then for instance for captures i subtract pieces (like in math) or try to decide on the priority sequence. You want recapture with a queen if your queen can be recaptured by your opponent. So your queen has the highest value or priority in material. So she will recapture last. Now the pawns have the least value and can break sometimes the sequence of recapture in certain capturing sequences. By subtracting all the pieces playing a role in the capturing sequence you can easily see which piece will be left over. You check for intermediate moves such as pins executed by bishops and rooks or checks etc. You check for greater threats.
Thanks for going through the game
Wow, surprising it causes such a delay since this position is fairly common in the 2 Knights defense.I look forward to having a cup of coffee and read through all your analysis.
Good game. I like how you describe the inner struggle between extremely wishful thinking and realistic conclusions. Black went on REALLY long, didn't he?
This was really funny -> a new devotee to Kramnik's newly and highly unappreciated but recently discovered scientific method which gives your opponent a definite and indisputable a toilet move...
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