The way ot the chess rat
This site will be all about chess and the exploits of the chess rat.
I designed for myself a study plan, which consists actually out of 3 main topics for the next six months.
§ Tactics
§ Pawn endgames
§ Game analysis
I decided to work on my great weakness “tactics”. Therefore I will follow MDLM’s suggestion and do the 7 circles program. I do not know how good or how complete this program ‘CT-ART 3.0’ is. Time will tell.
I guess it will indeed improve my calculation ability and pattern recognition over the board. The question will be how to implement this latter during OTB play? A chessboard on the computer or in a magazine is not the same as a large board in front of you. This is a point that is to my opinion not enough stressed throughout the chess world.
This brings me to another topic: the relation of pieces to the board. I have chessmaster 8000 and I think it is a great program. It has an option that it can show for a certain piece the squares that it attacks or covers. If you put 2 knights on the board for instance Nc3 and Nf3, you will soon discover that they cover together the small center d4e4d5e5 with additional lines at the edge of the board and produces the geometrical figure ‘the square’ in the center. If you move up the knights along the rank at the same distance from each other, you will see a symmetrical figure consisting of 2 squares and 4 lines with a symmetry point. Chess is about field covering that pieces produce or can produce directly or indirectly.
Let’s say 2 Bishops aside each other in an open field forms a fence and I hear Gandalf saying: ‘you shall not pass’. I bet you haven’t met the chess rat yet. The point is once you have drawn the lines or colored the squares on a paperboard (in my case chessmaster 8000 is a very handy tool for this purpose) you will not forget it. It could be a useful addition to the chess vision drills.
In addition to strengthening the tactics muscles I will also complement it with studies on the endgame. The main focus will be on pawn endgames. As a red thread through this part I will follow the manual written by M. Euwe. The goal will be to learn all positions with both sides up to 2 pawns. I believe that it can be summarized to a small amount of key positions. Eventually this will be very useful and helpful when I’m in time need again during play. My dearest queen will be happy that I will play this time only with the King.
The last part will be focusing on the games of the classical great players. (Lasker, Capablanca, Steinitz, etc.). I mainly focus on e4 games because I am an e4 player in heart and soul. You will rarely see me playing 1.d4 or I must have drunk too much. And that can happen a lot.
I will annotate the games for myself with a primary focus on tactics. Through their games I can check my tactical muscle and see how they exploit weaknesses. Later I can check other annotator’s ideas or complement it with interesting facts that I missed.
You must be sober to see reality, drunk to taste the illusion and addicted to play chess.
-chess rat-.
Current status: Cycle 1
§ Level 1 – completed – score 99%
§ Level 2 – completed – score 92%
I designed for myself a study plan, which consists actually out of 3 main topics for the next six months.
§ Tactics
§ Pawn endgames
§ Game analysis
I decided to work on my great weakness “tactics”. Therefore I will follow MDLM’s suggestion and do the 7 circles program. I do not know how good or how complete this program ‘CT-ART 3.0’ is. Time will tell.
I guess it will indeed improve my calculation ability and pattern recognition over the board. The question will be how to implement this latter during OTB play? A chessboard on the computer or in a magazine is not the same as a large board in front of you. This is a point that is to my opinion not enough stressed throughout the chess world.
This brings me to another topic: the relation of pieces to the board. I have chessmaster 8000 and I think it is a great program. It has an option that it can show for a certain piece the squares that it attacks or covers. If you put 2 knights on the board for instance Nc3 and Nf3, you will soon discover that they cover together the small center d4e4d5e5 with additional lines at the edge of the board and produces the geometrical figure ‘the square’ in the center. If you move up the knights along the rank at the same distance from each other, you will see a symmetrical figure consisting of 2 squares and 4 lines with a symmetry point. Chess is about field covering that pieces produce or can produce directly or indirectly.
Let’s say 2 Bishops aside each other in an open field forms a fence and I hear Gandalf saying: ‘you shall not pass’. I bet you haven’t met the chess rat yet. The point is once you have drawn the lines or colored the squares on a paperboard (in my case chessmaster 8000 is a very handy tool for this purpose) you will not forget it. It could be a useful addition to the chess vision drills.
In addition to strengthening the tactics muscles I will also complement it with studies on the endgame. The main focus will be on pawn endgames. As a red thread through this part I will follow the manual written by M. Euwe. The goal will be to learn all positions with both sides up to 2 pawns. I believe that it can be summarized to a small amount of key positions. Eventually this will be very useful and helpful when I’m in time need again during play. My dearest queen will be happy that I will play this time only with the King.
The last part will be focusing on the games of the classical great players. (Lasker, Capablanca, Steinitz, etc.). I mainly focus on e4 games because I am an e4 player in heart and soul. You will rarely see me playing 1.d4 or I must have drunk too much. And that can happen a lot.
I will annotate the games for myself with a primary focus on tactics. Through their games I can check my tactical muscle and see how they exploit weaknesses. Later I can check other annotator’s ideas or complement it with interesting facts that I missed.
You must be sober to see reality, drunk to taste the illusion and addicted to play chess.
-chess rat-.
Current status: Cycle 1
§ Level 1 – completed – score 99%
§ Level 2 – completed – score 92%

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